Stats: Alauna May Marshall Born January 25, 2009 8:48 am 7 lbs. 4.3 oz. 18 1/2 in. long
Story: At 11:30 pm on Saturday night, I first experienced labor contractions. We got all our stuff together, called my Visiting Teacher to come be with Josh, and rushed to the hospital (rushing because Josh was born 5 hours after the first labor contraction). We got there, and got hooked up, and after a bit of monitoring, the nurse told me she thought I was just dehydrated, and wanted to send me home. I drank 1 1/2 Litres of water, and my contractions started slowing down. The doctor told my nurse to observe me one more hour to see if they would stop. They didn't stop, and at 8:48 am (right after we watched Music and the Spoken Word with the MoTab), she came out after just one push.
Here's a picture of her at 4 days old. She looks a bit jaundiced, but otherwise my beautiful girl. Also, a picture of the proud big brother loving his little sister.